I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone
Pooh pooh bee doo.
I wanna be kissed by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be kissed by you alone.
I couldn't aspire
To anuthing higher
Then to fill the desire
To make you my own
Paah-dum paah-dum doo bee dum, pooooo!
I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone.
I couldn't aspire
To anuthing higher
Then to fill the desire
To make you my own
Paah-dum paah-dum doo bee dum, pooooo!
I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you
Paah-deeedle - eedeedle - eedeedle -
Eedum, poo pooo beee dooo.
ССЫЛКА НА КОМПОЗИЦИЮ: http://www.zaycev.net/pages/748/74821.shtml